The ethical framework in our value proposition

At Felidarity we are dedicated to developing, integrating and communicating Sustainability Strategies from the Ethical framework.¿Y why it is so important for our value proposition, the Ethical Framework?

-> Tell us about it Roberto BallesterFounder of Felidartiy.

At FelidarityAfter almost 10 years in operation and more than 25 years of experience, we can say, with all the humility in the world, that we can say that we are a consulting firm specialized in Ethics, Sustainability and Marketing.. But with a world to learn!

Since we started we have been learning a lot from our customers, alliances and fellow travelers. With all this learning, we wanted to stop a little bit to look back and, above all, to look ahead.

And so today, we want to share with you part of this reflection that has led us to rethink our value proposition.

What do we do at Felidarity?

It is always important to know what you do in life, and the same goes for companies.

To put it simply, at Felidarity we are dedicated to developing, integrating and communicating Sustainability Strategies from an Ethical framework.

And why is it so important for our value proposition to do our work from the ethical framework? Well, quite simply because we have found that when the integration of sustainability is made from the culture and ethical commitment of the company your strategy in this field goes much furtheryour positioning is more consistent and authentic, and the return much higher.

In other words, if the integration of a good sustainability strategy helps you to advance 10 steps, when you integrate it into the ethical framework it allows you to advance 20 steps.

In short, what we do at Felidarity aims to ensure that our customers are able to customers be more sustainableby helping them to connect their values with the values of their stakeholders.

And all this... How do we do it at Felidarity?

In order to carry out our mission in Felidarity we differentiate our services in three main blocks: Strategic Approach, Operational Integration and Impact Measurement.

  1. From the strategic approach we work with our clients in the identification, definition and integration of valuesdefinition of purposestrategies and policies sustainabilitystrategies, strategies for marketing, communication y positioning. In short, the necessary pillars to approach the sustainable development and growth of the company with a greater probability of success.
  1. To address the operational integration of the strategic approach, we translate the defined strategies into Action Planswe landed the values at codes of ethics and conductWe develop Compliance y Due Diligence that ensure proper monitoring of integration both in the company and in its value chain. In short, we implement management systems that transform the company's activity to act in a more ethical and sustainable way.
  1. Finally, like everything in life, it is necessary to put a number on things and know exactly where we are. The time has come to make a correct Impact Measurement to determine the current position and to set medium and long-term improvement objectives. In this area we carry out Sustainability Reports o Non-financial reporting following the international standards and we help to develop balanced scorecards We help our clients to define the indicators that make it possible for them to achieve their business goals. measure the results and improve the impact generated.

Why do we do this at Felidarity?

While the what and the how are key to developing a value proposition, in our case, the what and the how are key to developing a value proposition. the question about why we do what we do at Felidarity is essential.

At Felidarity we are convinced that companies play a key role as agents of development. 

This is what we work for at Felidarity, because we are convinced that generating more ethical and sustainable companies helps to make companies last over time and to truly convert them, in sustainable development agents that positively impact people's lives and the planet.

For this reason we are a certified B Corp company since2018, which helps us to formally and informally integrate our commitment for the purpose of positive impact and sustainable management focused on the highest social, environmental and governance standards. Thanks to B Corp at Felidarity, we have changed the desire to be the best consulting firm in the world for to be the best consultant for the world.

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Thank you very much,

Roberto Ballester