How to do it and why is it important to have it?
My first boss, of whom I am immensely fond, always told me: "if we don't have a plan, others will do it for us". This phrase has marked me throughout my professional career in order to understand the strategic importance of planningto have a plan. And nowadays, with the relevance of the sustainability field, it is essential to have a plan. Sustainability Master Plan.
We, from Felidaritywe have done a lot of them and the Valencia Chamber of Commerce has asked us to prepare a Guide for the preparation of Sustainability Master Plansso we leave you the link here to take you step by step through the process and solve questions such as: Which areas Sustainability Master Plan?How to should be elaborate Sustainability Master Plan? indicators are they relevant for monitoring a Sustainability Master Plan? o Are they relevant for monitoring a Sustainability Master Plan? o Are they relevant for monitoring a Sustainability Master Plan? o Are they relevant for monitoring a Sustainability Master Plan?How to communicate a Sustainability Master Plan?
Why do it?
And if you still don't know whether or not you should do it for your company, here are some specific issues that support the relevance for companies of having a Sustainability Master Plan.
Comprehensive approach
First, a Sustainability Master Plan allows the company to have an integrated approach in addressing this issue, identifying the different key areas to improve the corporate sustainability proposition.
Viewing it from this holistic approach is fundamental to ensure that all actions of the organization in this matter are alignedThis avoids the improvisation and lack of consistency that we sometimes see in business practices.
Alignment with the company's global strategy
On the other hand, it is also important to align the commitment to sustainability with the company's global strategy. This avoids the sustainability strategy becoming an island within the company, integrating it with the other key strategic aspects of the organization's development and demonstrating a genuine commitment to sustainability. This is critical to accessing markets and customers that are now giving preference to suppliers and business partners that demonstrate a clear commitment to sustainability.
If we draw up a Sustainability Master Plan that is not just a mere statement, but which is specified in specific actions, it will help the company to integrating sustainability into daily practices of the organization, thus taking into account not only the economic aspects, but also the social and environmental impacts of its activities.
This will also make it easier to ensure that the company's complies with legal standards which are already present in many territories, thus avoiding possible sanctions.
In a nutshell
A Sustainability Master Plan is essential to align business practices with ethical and sustainable principles, which not only benefits society and the environment, but also the environment. contributes to long-term success and the viability of the organization.
These and other issues have been covered in the Guide for the preparation of Sustainability Master Plans that we have elaborated for the Valencia Chamber of Commerce and that you can find here link. We hope it will help you.